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Peter Steinhauer (United States, 1966). Artist photographer who has been living and working un Asia since 1993. His photography focuses on architecture within urban landscape, natural landscape, Asian faces and man made structure. He is a recipient of numerous international photography awards including a finalist for the 2014 Lucie Awards, Ford Foundation grant for his multi year work in Viernam, Black and White Spider Award for Architecture, IPA and PX3 Paris awards, among others. He is also a member of the elite Explorers Club in New York.
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[core_metadata] => {"robots":"","author":"Peter Steinhauer","rights":"","xreference":""}
[core_created_user_id] => 838
[core_created_by_alias] =>
[core_created_time] => 2016-02-08 18:51:00
[core_images] => {"image_intro":"images\/categories\/landscape\/steinhauer.jpg","float_intro":"","image_intro_alt":"","image_intro_caption":"","image_fulltext":"images\/categories\/landscape\/steinhauer.jpg","float_fulltext":"","image_fulltext_alt":"","image_fulltext_caption":""}
[core_modified_time] => 2016-10-27 14:13:57
[core_language] => en-GB
[core_catid] => 73
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[author] => Elisa Rugo
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[displayDate] => 2016-02-08 18:51:00
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Peter Steinhauer (United States, 1966). Artist photographer who has been living and working un Asia since 1993. His photography focuses on architecture within urban landscape, natural landscape, Asian faces and man made structure. He is a recipient of numerous international photography awards including a finalist for the 2014 Lucie Awards, Ford Foundation grant for his multi year work in Viernam, Black and White Spider Award for Architecture, IPA and PX3 Paris awards, among others. He is also a member of the elite Explorers Club in New York.
[id] => 406
[language] => en-GB
[catid] => 73
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